Posted by: sanjudohray | April 1, 2010


NOMADIC HERDING An extensive form of animal grazing on natural pasturage, entailing constant or seasonal migration of the nomads alongwith their flocks, nomadic herding is confined to sparsely populated parts of the world \yhere the natural vegetation is mainly grass and the rainfall is low ilnd seasonal. It is practised by the Fulani of the West African” savannas, the Masai in East Africa and the Nuba in Ethiopia and Sudan, and by the Bantu and Hottentots in Botswana, Mozambique and South Africa. The Bedouin of Saudi Arabia, and the Tuareg of the Sahara practise nomadic,heeding in the desert and semi-desert areas of South-West . ‘Asi'(anq North Africa. In Scandinavia, the Lapps, who were onte:Oomadic, are tending to settle down.

Cattle are the most important livestock in most of the tropical areas of Africa, though in drier ilreas they may be replaced by goats. The long-haired angora goats of the Anatolian Plateau of Turkey are known for their valuable wool. In desert areas, the camel is important as. a source of wool and milk, but it is used mainly as a drought animal. In the Steppes of Central Asia, sheep and horses are very important. In mountainous regions such as Tibet, yak is more important. In the Andes of South America, llamas provide high quality wool. For the Lapps and the Samoyeds of Arctic and sub-Arctic areas in Scandinavia and northern Russia, reindeer provide food, hides, milk and transport.
Transhumance resembles nomadic herding as it too involves the seasonal movement of animals in search of pasture; it is of a permanent nature, and a more intensive method of livestock farming. In mountain areas such as Norway, Switzerland, Italy, in parts of Britain and in the mountainous west of the USA and Canada, cattle or sheep of a ranch may be kept in the valleys in winter, and taken out to the mountain pastures or alps’ or sa etas in spring.


  1. not gud:)

  2. cool very cool

    • no very awesome

  3. cant acces full information.


  5. very goooooooooooooooooood

  6. Lyk the description but nt complt no mrts and dmrts

  7. well that didnt help at all…

  8. Learn to spell cnut!!!

    • agred! 🙂

      • i like airplane jelly
        airplane jelly for me
        i like it for breakfast i like it for tea
        airplane jelly for meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  9. fuck fuck fuck

  10. I like turtles

  11. I love turtles

  12. Somewhat beneficial. It does need a few more facts, my world geography book has more information but I came on here to look for a more simple and resourceful article. Please add more. Many grammar errors. Thank you.

  13. no

  14. fkljasdtjraipouesjkugpdyr8yuigtodrytiyg

  15. blubo chicen nigga

    • im black

  16. lik ind subscib to mi utub chinel

  17. hi germe

  18. deez nats

  19. Very nice n knowlegable info

  20. G’day m8

  21. nt really wot i wanted

  22. gei ppl yall are faggots

  23. very good but not very good with the words

    • but really this has
      a lot of words that are missed spelled

      • It’s true

  24. Helpful Source

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